Meet our suppliers

  • Bellies Inc was founded in 2010 by Kim Vopni, Julia Di Paolo and Samantha Montpetit-Huynh. Three strong, smart and incredible women who between them have the most impressive list of qualifications we’ve ever seen.

  • Pariday LLC was founded by Jackie Lai, Mara Lowry and Erin Vitus, three women who were frustrated by the lack of effective products on the market to help treat their breastfeeding pain. And three women who recognise that the best way to enjoy the adventure of motherhood is with humor, patience and products that really work!

  • Dr. Amanda is an expert in addressing pelvic floor disorders, such as incontinence, pelvic organ prolapse, pelvic pain, and pregnancy-related issues. She authored 'Restoring the Pelvic Floor For Women,' a comprehensive guide on how Kegel exercises, can effectively address incontinence, constipation, and pelvic pain, potentially avoiding the need for surgery.

  • For more than 10 years, Emily Sauer quietly endured deep dyspareunia (pain during sex), refusing to recognise it as a real physical (and emotional) problem. She was a confident woman and a desirable partner – being “melodramatic” about pain wasn’t in her nature. It didn’t even occur to her that a solution could exist.